This NTU-born-and-bred robot continues to attract attention
Exciting evolutions in science and tech, and useful tips to help you navigate your undergraduate years and beyond
This NTU-born-and-bred robot continues to attract attention
How NTU scientists have helped panda conservation plans
Thinking of a PhD? See how you can get started. Young NTU PhD holders tell their stories
Practice makes perfect: Maximise your chances of getting that dream job
Put to bed the notion that sleep is for the weak. Experts say having enough sleep could even give you better grades
Find the answers to burning science questions here
Get insider tips from NTU undergrads on the art of making notes that work
The anxious student’s guide to public speaking and small talk
Staying away from home for the first time? Seniors dish on the “must-bring” items for your hall room
Do your part to save the planet with these simple steps
Here’s how NTU walks the green talk as one of the world’s most eco-friendly campuses
Wondering what to expect at an admissions interview? Peter Yeo talks to NTU professors to suss out what they’re looking for when they meet you face-to-face
Rising sea levels due to climate change threaten to engulf Singapore, but hope glimmers as NTU students warm up to the idea of changing for the climate
Environmental experts from NTU have found that tropical wildlife are dependent on large, unbroken areas of forest landscape
Research from NTU has found our current consumption of data storage is unsustainable
Scientists from NTU might have just solved a millennia-old mystery
Another year, another rise in rankings for NTU
In a prickly project work situation? NTU experts offer some advice on handling difficult teammates
If we could hear the thoughts of pre-university students who are considering NTU, what would they be? Find the answers to commonly asked questions here
Break out of your usual midday routine with these tips that could even boost your productivity