Carry smart

Spec up your everyday carry at the NTU Smart Campus with these high-tech accessories

by Derek Rodriguez


Did you know that your phone collects more germs than a toilet seat? It’s a good idea to sanitise it regularly, especially in these times. An alternative to cleansing wipes and sprays are UV sanitisers. These high-tech contraptions disinfect your gear, from keys to your mouse, in minutes and come in portable shapes like wands and small boxes.


Don’t tangle with technology – get a good set of wireless earbuds like the JBL CLUB PRO+ TWS, which pairs immersive sound with seamless utility whether you’re using one or both earbuds. Need to listen in on a lecture? The canteen’s cacophony is no match for its adaptive noise-cancelling technology that shields you from unwanted sounds. Having a discussion is easy too with the earphone’s three microphones eliminating background noises like wind and chatter.


It’s important to keep yourself hydrated when you’re out the whole day. If you need to be reminded to take a sip between study sessions, plump for a smart water bottle that tracks your water consumption and prompts you by lighting up when it’s time for a drink. Some can even sync to your phone and allow you to track the temperature of your drink.


Picture this: It’s lunchtime at The Hive and you’re in the zone, going through your slides with satisfying efficiency. Then you feel it, a rumbling in your tummy threatening to derail your momentum. You pull out your lunch box, hit a button, and turn back to your notes without missing a beat. In a few minutes, your food is warm and you’re ready to eat. With self-heating lunch boxes, you won’t need to waste precious time finding a microwave oven to have the luxury of a hot homemade meal. However, expect that the newfangled versions of these – that steam instead of just heat your food – won’t come cheap.

This story was published in the Mar-May 2022 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.