The moves we make

There’s never a dull moment as an NTU student, as these photos show. Keep putting on your best show and tagging #NTUsg

by Kwok Pei Fang

Photo: @cropforemphasis

You can master the art.

Photo: @cropforemphasis

Let our dreams take flight.

Photo: @cropforemphasis

Hold the stage with confidence.

Photo: @cropforemphasis

Dazzling moves at the NTU Hall Olympiad Closing Ceremony.

Video: @lkc.medlee

Music therapy in med school.

Photo: @6ixersbasketball

Great shot at the Inter-Hall Games.

Photo: @yuenmxk

NTU’s sharpshooters making waves again.

Photo: @yuenmxk
Photo: @ntutkd

Spar-tacular showing by NTU’s taekwondo exponents.

Video: @ntuonice

Never too skate to learn a new skill.

Video: @nanyangmba

A dash of fun.

This story was published in the Mar-Apr 2023 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.