The winner of the hottest item in the HEY! readership survey lucky draw has been crowned. NTU student Anthony Chew collects his prize – a brand new Huawei notebook – and shares his thoughts on HEY!
by Derek Rodriguez

It turns out that nabbing an exclusive NTU T-shirt during the HEY! roadshow in March was a mere appetiser for this NTU undergrad. As the grand prize winner of the 2023 HEY! readership survey lucky draw, Anthony has skipped away with a sponsored Huawei Matebook 16s worth more than $2,200.
With over a thousand other participants picking the laptop as their preferred prize from among the set of over 100 freebies up for grabs, fortune really favoured the second-year School of Computer Science & Engineering student, who revealed that this was his first time winning a lucky draw. He also tells HEY! that he plans to replace his ageing laptop with this new one.
His first experience with HEY!’s augmented reality (AR) capabilities was during the roadshow.
“I most enjoyed the AR elements I could physically interact with, such as the 3D bunny,” he says.
Fittingly, this led him down a rabbit hole.
“I like reading about campus life, students’ achievements and especially food, and found HEY! to be a good source of information for these. So after reading this issue, I went to look for past issues on the HEY! website,” he lets on.
One food article he relished was a story (published eight years ago!) in which food influencer and NTU alumna Miss Tam Chiak returned to campus for a food hunt.
And what would he like to see more of in HEY!, besides satisfying nosh?
“As a computer science student, I would like to see more on tech developments like blockchain and NFTs. And of course, more 3D AR objects.”
Roger that and congratulations again, Anthony. We hope you enjoy your prize and the bumper crop of 3D AR elements in this issue.
This story was published in the Mar-Apr 2023 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.