Get both an endorphin rush and a fill of nature with these campus running routes recommended by Muhammad Syafiq Bin Haniss and Ngor Cheng En from the NTU Runners’ Club
by Lester Hio / Illustration by Tan Hui Qin / Videos by Hillary Tan
Long roads, running tracks and sheer biodiversity – NTU makes for a great location to squeeze some miles in while discovering a whole other side of campus not usually seen while rushing from class to class. Whether you’re a casual runner looking to get a leg-up on your fitness goals, or a serious marathoner gunning for a new PB, NTU’s campus has a route for your needs.

The quick workout route (3km)
A quick jog can shake off the day’s fatigue, enhance your mood and even make you more creative. This flat, easy route near secondary forest is perfect for casual runners who want to squeeze in a quick run with minimal hills and enjoy NTU’s proximity to nature.
– Get on the blue track, which provides a safe, easy route to follow, says final-year communication student Cheng En (right).
– You can speed up along Nanyang Crescent as there is almost no need for road crossings and it is not very high in human traffic.
The scenic route (5km)
Take in the lush greenery and scenic sights on this route through some of NTU’s best outdoor highlights.
– At Yunnan Garden, go easy as you weave in between the greenery and heritage structures. Rehydrate at the outdoor water coolers and visit the fitness stations for a full-body workout.
– Be mindful of the changing terrain, from the pavement to the boardwalk to the paved stones and trails within the garden.
“King of the hills” route (7km)
Training for a 10k, marathon or some other race? Looking to smash your PB and mix with the greats? Put on your racing shoes and get ready for a tough workout that covers NTU’s hilly terrain.
– The steepest inclines are from the southernmost part of the campus past the School of Biological Sciences (appropriately known as “Heartbreak Hill” on Strava) and from The Hive towards the University Health Service building. Give yourself ample time on the flatter parts of the route to warm up.
– On upslopes, try slowing down and leaning forwards.
– On a downslope, if it is not slippery, let go and let yourself naturally accelerate downwards.
– Synchronise your breaths with your steps to avoid getting breathless.
– Try a three-step breathing technique: one quick inhale through the nose, a short open mouth exhale and then a forceful blowing exhale.
– You know you’re running at a comfortable pace when you can have a conversation while running.
– Take shorter, quicker steps and land with your foot below your centre of gravity to better conserve energy.
– Relax your shoulders and swing your arms.
– To truly enjoy running, choose a comfortable pace that does not get you panting so quickly. This way, you will find yourself more aware of your surroundings and will be able to enjoy and take in all the sights around you.
This story was published in the Mar-Apr 2023 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.