Choosing your CCA should be second nature. Just follow this fun guide by our HEY! student writer
by Joelynn Tan / Illustrations by Vivian Lim
With over 120 clubs and societies to join on campus, choosing the right one may seem like a daunting task. The first step is to know thyself.
Your answer may lie in personality tools such as the popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which assigns you one of 16 personality types.
For an idea of what your Myers-Briggs type is, answer these questions to get your four-letter test result.
1. At social events, do you introduce yourself to new people (Extroverted), or mostly talk to the ones you already know (Introverted)?
2. Do you often ask what if (Intuition), or do you prefer to be grounded in reality (Sensing)?
3. When making big decisions, do you tend to follow your head (Thinking) or your heart (Feeling)?
4. Do you use organising tools like schedules and lists (Judging), or keep things open-ended, spontaneous and flexible (Perceiving)?
A great conversationalist, your mind is constantly ticking and you cannot resist playing the devil’s advocate sometimes. Flex your brain muscles and engage in constructive arguments with the Debate Society.
You have a genuine interest in people and take pride in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. Pour your heart and soul into the Social Impact Catalyst society, whose socially driven projects and businesses may interest you.
You are sociable, popular and a strong team player who is a positive force. Lend your support through the Cheerleading Club, or work with your peers in any of NTU’s team sports clubs to victory.
Decisive and outspoken, you are able to think long term and love a challenge. Put your foresight to good use and lead the way by joining the NTU Students’ Union, or any of its constituent clubs.
You are insightful and see helping others as your purpose in life. Lend a hand with the Welfare Services Club or the University-YMCA club, where you can assist seniors and special needs clients through community service programmes.
Practical, orderly and reliable, you complete tasks with accuracy and patience. Let these traits shine in roles that involve lots of data, such as serving in the Open Source Society, NTU’s “resident hacker” club that works with non-government organisations and the like.
You are imaginative, poetic and crave opportunities to express yourself. Let your creative juices flow in the Cultural Activities Club’s publications committee, or sign up to be a student writer for HEY!, NTU’s award-winning campus magazine.
Often the life of the party, you enjoy the social and emotional connections you make with others. Put your people skills to good use and communicate your thoughts at the Emcee Club or the Toastmasters Club.
Dedicated, warm and responsible, you give careful attention to practical details in your daily life. Your excellent analytical abilities and people skills should carry you well in academic clubs. Or what about joining the Peer Helping Programme?
You are ever ready to explore and experience something new in your own quiet way. Discover a whole new world under the sea with the Scuba Diving Club, or immerse yourself in fascinating culture through the Japanese Appreciation Club.
You’re fiercely independent, and your spontaneity and ability to troubleshoot in crisis situations is praiseworthy. Join the Civil Defence Lionhearters Club and be trained in emergency skills that could save lives.
You are a strategic and rational thinker who prefers to work alone. Make a calculated decision with the Board Gaming Society, or strategise your next move at the International Chess Club.
Analytical and creative, you love thinking out of the box. Quench that thirst for knowledge and explore the next frontier with NTU’s space club (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space), or join the Da Vinci 3D Printing and RoboMasters Society, where the worlds of engineering and arts collide.
You like to create order in your life by establishing rules, structures and clear roles, a trait that makes you an effective manager. Take a stab at organising events with the NTU United Nations Students Association, where you can coordinate conferences or community programmes that impact the marginalised in society.
Gregarious and energetic, you are great at making snap decisions and like to live in the moment. Enjoy the journey of starting a business with the Entrepreneurship Society and score some seed funding with your persuasive pitch.
Quite the “class clown”, all the world’s a stage for you, literally, and there’s never a dull moment with you. Put on your best performance and take your pick from NTU’s dazzling array of dance, music and performing clubs.

This story was published in the Mar-May 2022 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.