How NTU-made technologies are changing our future
by Lester Kok / Illustrations and animations by Vivian Lim
No escape-beam
Using a beam of laser light, scientists have managed to trap and move a single virus out of a community of thousands of other viruses. Their “light tweezers” can separate and isolate a single virus in just one minute, much faster than current methods that are tedious and lacking in precision. Laser-based virus-trapping technology makes it possible to study virus mutations such as the Delta or Omicron variants of COVID-19.
Scientists can go beyond understanding the average behaviour of virus populations. A laser-based virus manipulation chip that can isolate specific viruses or variants from a blood sample and pull them out for analysis might aid in vaccine development for future pandemics. Scientists would be able to quickly glean insights about viruses and the diseases they cause, which could lead to new ways to counter them.
Driving from home
A driverless road sweeper being trialled on Sentosa can be remotely controlled by an operator 20km away in the NTU campus. Using 5G mobile data and a full motion vehicle driving simulator, a qualified operator can drive the road sweeper from anywhere in Singapore.
Working from home could be an option for transport operators in future. Drivers could remotely pilot utility vehicles from the comfort of their bedrooms or office headquarters, reducing downtime between shift changes and improving the efficiency of their operations. This would also save on manpower, since one operator can easily monitor a fleet of autonomous vehicles remotely and manually take control in unforeseen circumstances.
Killer food wrap
NTU researchers have helped to create the world’s first smart antimicrobial food packaging that can kill harmful bacteria and fungi that sprout on fresh food. The waterproof packaging that looks like transparent film works by releasing bacteria-killing compounds made from natural ingredients, such as thyme oil and citric acid from fruits, when exposed to increased moisture or enzymes from bacteria such as E coli. Made from corn protein, the packaging is sustainable and may be a good alternative to petroleum-based plastics.
Using antimicrobial food packaging could double the shelf life of not just raw meat, fruits and vegetables but also ready-to-eat foods. That’s good news for us and for the environment, since the biodegradable packaging can be composted or broken down in soil or water after use and thus help cut down on landfill waste.
This story was published in the Mar-May 2022 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.