The future looks pretty for NTU alumna Grace Lee, whose homebrewed vegan skincare products snagged two awards at Beauty Insider 2021. The communication grad built her brand, Honest & Gentle, from scratch after leaving her full-time job at the height of the pandemic last year. From branding to designing the website, and even blending the products by hand in a makeshift lab, she did it while making a difference in the lives of others.
Her company is a business with a mission that purchases unrefined shea butter handmade by women in Ghana who are paid proper wages. And part of proceeds from each product sold on the official store is donated to charities. “It’s more of a passion project than a business,” she says. “It’s something I want to do, even though it may not make much money.”
This story was published in the Oct-Dec 2021 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.