30 birthday wishes on NTU’s 30th

Three decades of sparking ideas and creating impact – NTU has much to celebrate on its 30th anniversary. What are students’ hopes and dreams for the future of NTU? We asked 30 students and this is what they said

by Chrystal Chan

My birthday wish for NTU is…

“To have an annual event like the Nanyang Awards that’s just for students to showcase the inspiring achievements of our peers in leadership, community service and entrepreneurship.”

– Cheah Guan Ying, Social Sciences, 30th NTUSU President

“That the various music clubs in NTU collaborate across different musical genres and show the rest of Singapore the amazing sounds we can produce together.”

– Andrea Jane Rojas, Humanities, NTU Jazz & Blues Chairperson

“For our musicians to be able to practise in a large, purpose-built orchestral rehearsal space on campus.”

Ng Ze Wei, Renaissance Engineering Programme, NTU Symphony Orchestra Music Director

“That we will be known for being one of the top universities in floorball.”

– Lim Jian Hong, Sport Science & Management, national floorball athlete

“To have a sports scholarship programme that lets outstanding athletes chase their dreams beyond Singapore while receiving a world-class education here.”

– Grace Chua, Medicine, national badminton athlete

“To see case culture becoming bigger with intensive boot camps for all who want to join and ace business case study competitions.”

– Cleo Sim, Accountancy & Business

“For a thriving start-up culture to be infused into academic life, where students can clear modules by running a successful start-up.”

– Melvin Foo, Renaissance Engineering Programme, co-creator of FoodBot

“That the core curriculum will continue to encourage creative thinking and include modules in technical analysis and business investment strategies, so that student entrepreneurs can innovate and create sustainable wealth at the same time.”

– Charlie Tan, Humanities

“For students to undergo a curriculum that not only develops them holistically but strengthens their character.”

– Alvin Wong, Physical & Mathematical Sciences

“To have a rotating roster of interactive spaces across the campus and more modules fusing art and tech. NTU designers will be behind many incredibly well-designed lifestyles.”

– Yee Soo Xien, Art, Design & Media, RE•MIX 2k21: Fashion Design Competition winner 

“To further fortify the hall culture. Since we create bonds through numerous late-night suppers and gatherings, a key ingredient would be keeping more F&B stalls on campus open till late.”

– Gerald Tan, Communication

“That there will be a diverse range of philosophy modules for students to explore, such as philosophy of law or even African Philosophy!”

– Racher Du, Humanities

“That there will be continued support and advocacy for women in science and engineering to grow the love for innovation and technology that’s in our DNA.”

– Thiara Sana Ahmed, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

“For the photography community to blossom with student shutterbugs getting a head-start when they photograph big events in NTU.”

– Lim Kai Peng, Biological Sciences

“That there will be more events organised to inspire more girls to pursue a career in the typically male-dominated tech field.”

– Rochana Tiyyagura, Computer Science & Engineering

“That more students become interested in financial asset management through workshops and seminars and make our club the biggest one in NTU!”

– Marcus Foo, Computer Science & Engineering, NTU Quantitative Asset Management Club President

“That we can bring student innovation to the next level with mentorship that’s available to whoever that needs it.”

– Lee Wen De, Art, Design & Media

“That we make art even more accessible on campus through kinetic sculptures that incorporate touch or proximity sensors and interactive features. A bonus would be if all the works are by NTU students.”

– Low Zi Hao, Art, Design & Media

“That the Chinese major in NTU will gain prominence and become so well known internationally that people will stop saying: ‘There’s such a major in NTU?’.”

– Angelyn Chew, Humanities

“For a biodiversity-friendly campus that strives towards peaceful human-wildlife coexistence, where people live in harmony with nature and help wildlife in need.”

– Alexis Goh, Art, Environmental Science, co-director of Earthlink NTU Nature Guiding AY20/21 team

“That we continue to be inclusive and welcoming to people of different faiths and be strengthened as a community through tolerance, understanding and empathy.”

– Muhammad Mukarram, Humanities, NTU Muslim Society President

“For mental wellness to be the norm with students coming together freely to share how they cope with life’s problems, such as by expressing their feelings through art.”

– Gillian Peck, Biological Sciences, founder of ARTnotes from the Heart

Source: The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

“That as a university we advocate for inclusivity of students and staff with disabilities by integrating them into a community where everyone practices kindness.”

– Foo Xu Hui, Biological Sciences, competitive para-swimmer

“That as a research university, we will be a sustainability champion educating on the importance everyone plays in mitigating climate change. This will be an essential core module for all first-year students.”

– Pothunuri Laya, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, National Geographic Young Explorer 2020

“To have our own biopharmaceutical production facility on campus to accelerate vaccine and drug trials! I believe this internal capability will boost NTU’s biological research impact and be a boon to society.”

– Alvin Chew, Medicine graduate student

“For hackathons to be a way of life, helping students adapt to industry standards, and for an NTU module dedicated to hackathon skills, such as rapid software prototyping, to prepare students for such competitions.”

– Liew You Sheng, Computer Science & Engineering, SandboxSG Founder

“To have an elite collegiate esports team capable of competing on a global level, and world-class esports facilities at the ready for Singapore’s e-athletes.”

– Ariana Yeo, Business, NTU Esports Society Vice President

“That there will be myriad ways for students to come together to generate ideas, however big or small they may be, and influence the world in their own areas of expertise.”

– Park Ji Won, Biological Sciences, co-founder of Hey, You Got Mail!

“For more NTU athletes to gain exposure at international sporting events. Even if they don’t win, the experience will give them the edge at their next big competition.”

– Regan Tan, Renaissance Engineering Programme

“For more funding for student clubs and societies to help finance community service efforts, and to provide NTU students with better welfare packs and student activities.”

– Pravenisa Viswambharan, Physical & Mathematical Sciences, NTU Tamil Literary Society Chief Editor

This story was published in the Oct-Dec 2021 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.