In the last year, NTU has climbed to its highest position in every major international ranking of universities. NTU moved up six places to 43rd spot in the US News and World Report’s list of top universities. In Nature Index’s inaugural young universities rankings, NTU is second on the list. And earlier this year, Quacquarelli Symonds ranked NTU 11th in the world and the highest placed university in the Asia-Pacific jointly with the National University of Singapore. Following this, NTU made the top 50 list in the UK-based Times Higher Education world rankings, placing 48th. From the Asian perspective, the upward trend is similar. In ShanghaiRanking’s latest varsity rankings, NTU climbed 23 places to the 73rd spot.
This story was published in the Oct-Dec 2019 issue of HEY!. To read it and other stories from this issue in print, click here.