Wondering what to expect at an admissions interview? Peter Yeo talks to NTU professors to suss out what they’re looking for when they meet you face-to-face

Prospective students eyeing a place at NTU can improve their chances through a holistic admissions assessment that includes interviews, aptitude tests and portfolios. A prospective student who shows passion and enthusiasm for a chosen programme, as well as potential to succeed may have an edge over a more academically qualified applicant vying for the same course.
Says NTU Provost Prof Ling San: “NTU’s new holistic approach means that our professors are investing more time, resources and manpower to interview and assess individual students. But we are willing to do so, to better match students’ aspirations and passion for the subject, as long as they can show us that they can cope with the rigours of their chosen degree course.”
“Students should try to be genuine, natural and honest in their answers. Show us your true conviction and passion to pursue a career in medicine. Answers that are not ‘run-of-themill’ would be preferred. Instead of answering ‘I want to help people’, when asked why you want to be a doctor, share with us your unique reasons that distinguish you from others.”
– Assoc Prof Kwek Tong Kiat, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
“Through admissions interviews, we are able to assess the potential of a student beyond his academic results, as well as his suitability for the programme as seen through his passion.”
– Assoc Prof Nicholas Vun, School of Computer Science & Engineering
“Do not give short answers like ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Tell us your motivation for applying to the programme. More importantly, don’t feed fuzzy information as interviewers will chase the line of questioning if they find an answer fishy. In short, don’t be pretentious.”
– Assoc Prof Tan Howe Siang, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
“I have a favourite story with a candidate who was clearly not on the right wavelength:
Interviewer: What aspect of media interests you most?
Candidate: I like movies.
I: Excellent! Tell us about a movie you’ve enjoyed recently, and why.
C: Er… (long pause)
I: In that case, just tell us about a movie you’ve seen.
C: Er… (embarrassingly long pause)
I: [Sigh] OK, name a movie you’ve seen.
C: …
I: OK, name a movie, any movie.
C: Er….
We did not consider her a good fit for the school! Professors have devoted their lives to becoming experts in their subjects, so try to match their enthusiasm by showing you are really enthusiastic about some aspect of the school. And have a few examples of cool stuff you have seen and noticed, and want to learn about.”
– Asst Prof Andrew Duffy, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information
“It’s often not what you say at the interview, but your energy and enthusiasm that matters. Engage and retain the attention of the interviewer by making it a lively conversation. It is also important for students to communicate and not wait for questions from the interviewer before they speak.”
– Assoc Prof Low Kin Yew, Nanyang Business School
“Communicate your enthusiasm for the programme, and the environment in general. It almost always grabs our attention when a student can link what we’re talking about to wider world issues. It’s a good sign when students can make the interview feel more like a conversation rather than just answering questions.”
– Dr Natasha Bhatia, Asian School of the Environment
“The Renaissance Engineering Programme conducts multiple mini interviews for its candidates. Through the five to six interview stages, we assess the students’ creativity, critical thinking, communication skills and leadership. There are no wrong or right answers. We just want to find out more about how you think, how you communicate, your interests and your passion. So if I were you, I’d just be myself – calm, composed and exuding confidence.”
– Prof Lalit Goel, Director of Renaissance Engineering Programme
Keep these tips in mind
BE PUNCTUAL Respond promptly to interview invites and turn up on time.
BE PRESENTABLE Don’t show up in flip-flops or with tattered jeans and unkempt hair. This could suggest you’re not interested in the interview.
KNOW WHY YOU ARE THERE If you want to pursue science so you can be a researcher, show you know something about the subject of science and research.
ASK QUESTIONS Ask relevant questions that you want answers to. The worst thing is to ask no questions.
BE RELAXED The interview is a chance for the interviewers to know you, and for you to get to know NTU.
BE COMMITTED Don’t drop out of the interview at the last minute as it won’t reflect well on you.